Michel Kapelli
Michel Kappeli
Michele Käppeli

KYRIE Libretto

Tom: Have you personally spoken to anyone at Treasury about the regulatory reform effort?
Lloyd: Oh I am / Since the beginning / not am...
Tom: Have you had, let me place it...
Lloyd: I might have...
Tom: Let me rephrase the question / Have you, in the last sixty-nine month had conversations with people at Treasury about the regulatory reform effort?
Lloyd: Am / I might have / but they would be in a very general and high level – not specific. / Oh – frankly along the lines in which I'm talking / it's the same way I'm talking about it to you.

Agnus Dei
Donald: You know?
Donald: I mean the president made a decision, I was the Secretary of Defense, we executed the decisions in the best way we could, and, it was consistent with our U.S. policies, it did in the policy of our government during the Clinton administration. The congress had passed the regime change, legislation during that period and president Clinton had signed.
Donald: No!

Josef: Ad navem san (-…)
Lloyd: I might, but I wasn't involved in a roll up your sleeve in.
Lloyd: This is really the highest return on risk!
Henry: The purpose was, to stabilize the financial system and prevent a collapse.
Lloyd: Oh I am.
Rupert: Find out everything we can about out of those people!
Daniel: Meine Damen und Herren.
Henry: To monitor the markets and then intervene.
Josef: Ad navem san (-…)
Josef: Amore et labore.
Josef: Ingravescente aetate.
Lloyd: Oh I am.
Lloyd: I might but I wasn’t involved.
Lloyd: This is really the highest return on risk!
Daniel: Ich war nicht immer ein angenehmer Verhandlungspartner. (6x)
Henry: I believe, it is working, ah, very well.
Daniel: Ich steh' in der Verantwortung. (4x)
Peter: Yes, the water issue is a very important issue and I think it is an issue which is still not understood by most people.
Henry: I believe, it is working, ah, very well. (2x)
Rupert: Now we have to monetise that we have to work out how we can about out those people and sell advertising to them directly.
Daniel: Ich steh' in der Verantwortung.
Daniel: Ich habe zwei.
Daniel: Ich habe zwei vermeidbare Fehler gemacht.
Daniel: Ich steh' in der Verantwortung.
Josef: Ad navem san (-…)
Josef: Ad navem san (-…)
Daniel: Ich habe zwei vermeidbare Fehler gemacht.
Daniel: Ich steh' in der Verantwortung.
Kyle: If we're right about this global sobering restructuring coming, what's likely to happen, it's likely to at least rupture this social fabric of the world, like you are seeing actually throughout the world today. I think it will be a more dangerous place for the next few year (?) - it's going to be less socially cohecent.
Henry: The purpose was, to stabilize the financial system and prevent a collapse.
Daniel: Ich habe zwei vermeidbare Fehler gemacht.

The divine chants are sang by the following celebs:

Donald: Donald Rumsfeld, former US Secretary of Defense
Josef: Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, emeritus Pope
Lloyd: Lloyd C.Blankfein, CEO Bank Goldman Sachs
Henry: Henry Paulson, former CEO Bank Goldman Sachs, Ex- Treasury Secretary under George W. Bush
Daniel: Daniel Vasella, former CEO Novartis
Rupert: Rupert Murdoch, media entrepreneur
Peter: Peter Brabeck, Chairman of the Board of Nestlé
Kyle: Kyle Bass, Hedge Fund Manager, Hayman Capital Management
Joe: Josef Ackermann, former CEO Deutsche Bank

Joe actually was used only for background – he just isn’t able to sing.
At the beginning I hesitated about employing Josef. I was unsure about his achievements in the world. But his great talents in singing are undisputed.
If you wonder about my casting, especially the personnel with a background of economics – you might wonder as well about this world.

Instead of an instrumental body of sound, the voices of interviewed celebs are transformed to song. The alternating silence between the words is boosted to a new spectrum of sounds.
No other source than interviews was used.
The sonic space is created mainly by slowing the voices. The deceleration enhances the sonic range.
The density of the somehow operatic sound is created by superimposing numerous tracks – originated in spoken word and in silence.
Kyrie Album